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Agapanthus Triumphator


Agapanthus | Triumphator

Colour | Blue

Length | 40cms – 80 cm


Agapanthus triumphator, also known as African Lily, is a beautiful flowering plant that is native to South Africa. It belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae and is widely cultivated around the world as an ornamental plant.

  • Appearance: Agapanthus triumphator has long, strappy leaves that are about 2-3 feet long and 1 inch wide. The leaves are dark green and grow from a basal rosette. The plant produces a tall, sturdy stem that can reach up to 4-6 feet tall. At the top of the stem, there is a cluster of trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom in shades of blue or white. The flowers are about 3-4 inches in diameter and have six petals.
  • Fragrance: Agapanthus triumphator has a light, sweet fragrance that is most noticeable in the early morning or late evening.
  • Symbolism: In the language of flowers, Agapanthus triumphator symbolizes love, admiration, and purity.
  • Cultivation: Agapanthus triumphator prefers full sun to partial shade and well-draining soil. It is drought-tolerant once established and can be grown in pots or in the ground. The plant can be propagated by division of the rhizomes or by seed. 
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